a test from above (part three)
Remember when Princess Diana died several years ago? And shortly there-after, Mother Theresa died?
That was a big "priority" test from someone, and I think as a whole it wasn't a test that was passed. "We" mourned Princess Dianas' death on a much higher scale than that of Mother Theresas. That was pretty pathetic.
Now, I'm not a big fan of the pope (as an institution). That doesn't change my opinion on whether or not he was or wasn't a good man, he was.
But now we have another test. We have a women who was brain dead who dies (in a cruel way) and a very important religious figure for litteraly hundreds of millions of people (estimate?). It's not that we're necessarily paying more attention to Mrs Schiavo. It's that we seem to be putting forth a little too much energy in using her to grand-stand.
sloppily written so I can edit it later.
That was a big "priority" test from someone, and I think as a whole it wasn't a test that was passed. "We" mourned Princess Dianas' death on a much higher scale than that of Mother Theresas. That was pretty pathetic.
Now, I'm not a big fan of the pope (as an institution). That doesn't change my opinion on whether or not he was or wasn't a good man, he was.
But now we have another test. We have a women who was brain dead who dies (in a cruel way) and a very important religious figure for litteraly hundreds of millions of people (estimate?). It's not that we're necessarily paying more attention to Mrs Schiavo. It's that we seem to be putting forth a little too much energy in using her to grand-stand.
sloppily written so I can edit it later.