Supa Bole!
Well, another year another superbowl I didn't watch (or care about).
Even though it was the "regional team" (seahawks) that was in the Superbowl, I didn't care about it. A big reason is that I hate how we're supposed to cheer for the Seahawks here (Portland) BECAUSE Seattle is the "only pro NFL team" in the region.
Bologna. If we get an NHL team, Seattle wouldn't give a hoot about our team. If they lose the Sonics, would they all the sudden start being Blazer fans? Not bloody likely.
So why should I all the sudden care about the Seahawks?
Now, if you've grown up a seahawks fans, that's one thing. But our media is acting as if this was Portlands team too. If they had won, there wouldnt' have been a parade in Portland. There's no reason for us to care about Seattle teams, just as there's no reason for Seattle to care about Portland teams.
We aren't each others sub-burbs.
Now that thats out of the way, god I couldn't stand the east coast bias (even if it turned out to be somewhat true). I don't know how much of the reffing was bad, but not a lot of it seemed good from what I've read. The "Jerome Bettis is from Detroit" love story was written and published by the NFL. Booooring.
Now that the NFL season is over with (thank god) we can finally get back to what Portland Sports media does best. Ignore the Blazers and write crappy articles about the team when they do play.
Even though it was the "regional team" (seahawks) that was in the Superbowl, I didn't care about it. A big reason is that I hate how we're supposed to cheer for the Seahawks here (Portland) BECAUSE Seattle is the "only pro NFL team" in the region.
Bologna. If we get an NHL team, Seattle wouldn't give a hoot about our team. If they lose the Sonics, would they all the sudden start being Blazer fans? Not bloody likely.
So why should I all the sudden care about the Seahawks?
Now, if you've grown up a seahawks fans, that's one thing. But our media is acting as if this was Portlands team too. If they had won, there wouldnt' have been a parade in Portland. There's no reason for us to care about Seattle teams, just as there's no reason for Seattle to care about Portland teams.
We aren't each others sub-burbs.
Now that thats out of the way, god I couldn't stand the east coast bias (even if it turned out to be somewhat true). I don't know how much of the reffing was bad, but not a lot of it seemed good from what I've read. The "Jerome Bettis is from Detroit" love story was written and published by the NFL. Booooring.
Now that the NFL season is over with (thank god) we can finally get back to what Portland Sports media does best. Ignore the Blazers and write crappy articles about the team when they do play.